We help you to grow your business into a sustainable future with our peat free soils. Learn More

Pour une croissance fiable.

Supports professionnels de haute qualité.

Magasin d'expédition



Créé pour la croissance.

Le bon substrat pour chaque culture.

  • Équilibre stable de l’air et de l’eau

    Ainsi, il y a toujours un bon équilibre dans le pot, ce qui garantit l’alimentation idéale de vos plantes.

  • Matières premières et agrégats de haute qualité

    Des additifs de haute qualité garantissent que le pH est toujours ajusté correctement et que vos plantes reçoivent ce dont elles ont besoin.

  • Pour les cultures pérennes et annuelles

    Nous avons optimisé nos substrats pour votre culture. Qu’il s’agisse de cultures pérennes ou annuelles, nos substrats fournissent l’apport nutritif idéal.

Trouvez le bon substrat :

Supports professionnels
5 couleurs - 5 solutions

Stender Blue

Stender potting substrates – medium structure

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Stender Blue

Stender potting substrates – medium structure Medium-size structured peat with nutrients added to meet the requirements of specific plants recommended for pot sizes of 7-10 or 9-11cm.
Stender Green

Coarse potting substrates

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Stender Green

Coarse potting substrates These substrates of coarse structure we recommend for the use in containers and for any long-standing cultures. The fibrous structure is guaranteed by the use of sod peat as well as peat fractions bigger than 40mm fibre size.
Stender Red
45l 70l

Stender Special Mix – the red line

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Stender Red

Stender Special Mix – the red line Since more than two decades Stender Export supplies growers outside Europe around the entire globe. Each country not only has its own import regulations that need to be considered when supplying. Rather, the climatic conditions, as well as the degree of mechanization in plant production are very different. Our strength is that we adapt our substrates exactly to these different requirements. We are here to help We are committed to providing our customers with the desired Stender potting soil and substrates at the right time, in top quality and at reasonable prices. Those special mixes make our “red line”.
Stender Yellow

Stender propagating substrates.

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Stender Yellow

Stender propagating substrates. Fine structured peat with few nutrients added to meet the requirements of several propagating systems. These substrates ensure compact, healthy young plants and promote fast root development. They suit perfectly for the propagation of young vegetable plants in modern tray systems. Due to their specially screened structure, they are suitable for the use on all filling lines.
Stender Basis
50l 80l

Stender potting substrates

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Stender Basis

Stender potting substrates – medium structure Medium-size structured peat with nutrients added to meet the requirements of specific plants recommended for pot sizes of 7-10 or 9-11cm.

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